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I realize that some may consider the term derogatory, or embarrassing, or whatever. But I apply it proudly. Even if I am being very presumptuous in that, having not been a true SG as I explained earlier, but more like a wannabe.

But then, that’s rather what I’m saying about this entire blog – it’s as much about how I want the world to be as about how it really is. Which, when you think about it, is what just about everybody says or writes, anyway.

If need be, I invoke the Humpty Dumpty clause: “When I use a word, it means exactly what I want it to mean. Nothing more, nothing less.” Now, if that seems to be a cop-out, then why do we all relate to it so well?

As you may have gathered from my introduction, of central interest to me among the things of this world is Am Yisrael, and how the rest of the world regards the People. So you’ll likely see me writing a good deal on that. My friends tell me that my viewpoints tend to be, to put it euphemistically, “different,” so if you can relate to that, plunge ahead.

But I also have strong feelings in some other areas. As an American, I cannot sit still with my mouth shut about what has been happening to this country of late. Then again, I don’t see much point is merely pasting in what others have already said, other than for linking to general sites and other bloggers.

As a believer in the coming kingdom of God, when the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of David, makes a return appearance (oh my God! Yes, it’s going to happen!) to sit on His throne in Jerusalem, I will from time to time be writing things from that viewpoint. I may even quote a good deal of Scripture. I don’t usually thump my Bible, because to do that, you usually have to close it first. It makes more of a slapping noise than a thumping sound if it’s open. And I prefer to keep it open.

And I’m not sure at this point what other subjects I will spout off on – maybe I’ll even talk about you! Enjoy!